Montana Sharp’s new single ‘Way of the Whiffler’ is an exploration of the everchanging nature of youth. Sharp’s art pop experimentation on this new track creates heavy anticipation for her much awaited debut EP, ‘Blood Moon’ which is set for release on February 11.

‘Way of the Whiffler’ opens with “a book full of chapter ones”, a central message behind Sharp’s new track. Etymologically, “whiffler” can be traced to an old English word to describe someone who always changes their opinions.

“I thought that was emblematic of everyone’s predicament in their early 20s - where everything around you is sort of impermanent and ever-changing,” says Sharp.

The song’s message is interwoven and implemented into every facet so brilliantly, it just confirms that she was always meant to write and perform it. When talking about writing the song, the songwriter reveals that it was in fact a dictionary app that helped her find the inspiration for the song as she describes this method really helps her find interesting words that inspire future lyrics and songs.

‘Way of the Whiffler’s’ transition from gloomy and edgy soul music, to powerful and assertive art pop demonstrates the great array of musical talent that Sharp will provide on her debut EP. Sharp’s voice flows through the track with the instruments, everchanging but maintaining the message she wishes to purvey, simply through style, instrumentation and immense control. This control is best shown towards the end of the track when the guitars and drums cut as Sharp belts out the chorus with great range and inflection.

Lyrically Sharp evokes these feelings of constant change and vulnerability, always keeping you on your toes asking, ‘are you ready?’ Without a doubt, you are in awe of her powerful vocals as the anxiety and impermanence of her lyrics are still able to shine through, a testament to her song writing.

Her previous singles ‘Power’ and ‘Greenhouse’ will feature on the upcoming EP, similarly eclectic and experimental. The tracks show that Sharp has versatility and the ability to create a great body of work. Much like her latest track, Sharp’s new EP demonstrates her growth as a person and a musician. “For me, this succession of songs is really a time capsule of my early 20s - the battle in removing my outer shell, and all the unanswered questions that pop up in that tumultuous time.”

Montana Sharp’s brand new single, ‘Way of the Whiffler’ is out now. You can check it out on our RSOM Presents Spotify playlist. Stay tuned for the release of her debut EP, ‘Blood Moon’ on February 11.

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vulnerable, the debut EP from Peter Ho.
