Back again with another sweet and enchanting single, Kaylah Thomas has released her new track, Reminiscing. Featuring the transformative and floating vocals that we heard in Kaylah’s debut single, Are The Angels, mixed with a lullaby inspired sound, Reminiscing has a new story to tell. The young 20 year old has been able to deliver yet another wholesome and nostalgic song, featuring a unique sound scape and colourful textures tastefully dispersed throughout the track.

What’s interesting about this song, is how relaxed and calming it is, it’s almost meditative in a way. It doesn’t follow on with the current trend in songs young female artists are releasing at the moment, and that’s what makes it a stand out in it’s on right. It’s always a breathe of fresh air to hear new music being released that doesn’t need to hide behind an array over over produced, loud instrumental arrangements. The simplicity that is displayed throughout the track is comforting and enjoyable and although it is quite a short song, it makes it’s mark and holds it’s own memorable and enchanting story.

Reminiscing features many interesting rhythmic elements that also provide another layer of texture to the track. What’s unique is the erthu (a chinese violin) that features midway through the song. Played by Greg Walker, it’s surprising to hear at first, but becomes clear as to what it’s been used the more you listen to Reminiscing. Going hand in hand with the natural soundscape that features the jittering sound of insects and sweet bird calls, the erthu holds a rich and woody tone, perfectly working alongside this natural, raw element created throughout the track. A key quality that distinguishes Kaylah’s songs from others, is her ability to take her listens on a joinery inward, and see what it’s like in her mind. After many times replaying Reminiscing back, you can gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the rawness behind the lyrics. Her vocals are also unique, as they sit in the top end of her voice, which can be difficult to listen to over a long period of time if not sung correctly. However, Kaylah maintains a steady control over this soft vocal approach and it’s nothing but sweet and innocent.

“Reminiscing is a very symbolic song to me. It almost takes the shape of a lullaby, and for a long time, that’s what it was for me. The song captures both my nostalgia and grief- as it is the product of my first encounter with death. I think this song represents my “coming of age” in many ways. It encapsulates themes of happiness and sadness, but also maturity, peace and reflection. I want to put it out into the world as a symbolic message; that I’m ready to shed my skin and fly. But it goes deeper; it’s a gentle reminder for me, a little hand on my shoulder- reassuring me everything will be alright, and I can only hope to give somebody else a song like this one is to me.  Reminiscing is also what I like to refer to as the “B-Side”. I like to think of it as the other half of the penny. I feel my Debut single ‘Are The Angels’, ( The “A-Side”) showcases the negative associations and destruction of grief whereas this song Reminiscing portrays the nostalgic and brighter side of grief and loss. The songs are (in my eyes) sisters. Two sides of the coin. “

There’s an incredible sense of peace and relaxation that courses through the body after hearing this new track, and at the end of a busy work week, it’s exactly the type of song you need to listen to when it’s time to switch off, escape the confinements of our brains, and slip away into sweet, sweet bliss. Reminiscing is now available on all major streaming services, including on our RSOM Spotify Playlist. And if the song alone isn’t enough, there’s some good news for you! Kaylah has collaborated with Hawken Creative to produce a music video to go along with her new single.

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