When you think of bass, angsty electric guitar and a killer drum line, you instantly think metal/rock music, right? Well, when it comes to Paris Biggs and his theatrical vocals, this totally changes the typical idea of what what this genre of music should sound like. With the new release of Overlord’s single, Come Ride With Me, you’ll be surprised to hear how the mix of theatre and rock somehow go perfectly, hand in hand.

Overlord, are a metal/rock group based in Melbourne, Australia. Combining powerful drums, and rocking riffs with the grandiose quality of a night at the theatre, a haunted night to be sure. Their music is quite “spooky” in nature.

“Fronted by the diabolical, evil leader himself, The Overlord, as he leads his ensemble of musical followers to tell stories of wonder and despair, the ugly side of beauty, and the dystopia found within the golden gates of paradise”. Come Ride With Me, along with the previously released Just One Man and Vial of Fear, are parts of a larger story, in the form of a concept album.  

I won’t give away much, however, I will say that Come Ride With Me, is the happiest moment of the entire story. To summarise, the album is centered around a city ruled under the oppressive regime of The Overlord. This song introduces our man hero (whom I refer to as Adam), and the moment that he finds the love of his life. In the context of the story, this also represents a unification in the common goal of a revolution. The girl in question shares his hopes and desires for a better world. This love story is almost Shakespearean in how dramatic it is, but then again, that’s the way I like to depict things. This is a bright moment in the otherwise dark reality of his day to day life. That’s also reflected in the instrumentation as well. Generally, Overlord delivers a heavier metal sound. However, I wanted Come Ride With Me, to sound fun, upbeat and energetic. Truthfully, I care more about the integrity of the song, rather than fitting into a tightly defined genre.”- Paris Biggs, lead vocalist 

It’s such an interesting song to say the least, and having had previously worked with Paris, his style is obvious. Nothing is ever typical or expected, his mind works in mysterious ways when it comes to creating music that fits outside of the box. Hats off to the extremely talented band, because the whole instrumental section is so well composed, it’s tight, clean and professional. The bass line is solid, the electric guitar is so incredibly tasteful and the drums assist in delivering a real head bopping tune. The melodic line that each instrument plays is such an essential part of what makes this song, especially when that electric guitar has it’s insane solo, WOW. And although Paris’s vocals may have a theatrical delivery, they still seem to provide a sense of depth and grunge, perfectly complimenting, yet challenging the ideology of Come Ride With Me.  It’s refreshing to hear something different, now days a lot of music sounds the same because they follow the same ‘musical formula’, or they’re written purely to sound the same as other popular songs. Come Ride With Me breaks that in it’s entirety, and doesn’t shy away from being true to Overlord and Paris’ style, bravo!

Overlord new track, Come Ride With Me is now available on all major streaming platforms, and you can also check it out on the RSOM Spotify Playlist.

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