We are so excited to be presenting the next round of the Stage Door online singing competition winners. RSOM is proud to be a part of this amazing initative which aims to host the next generation of original talent. We had the pleasure of catching up with the three winners: Olivia (6-12 years), Imogen (13-16 years) and Katia (17+) as they celebrate their wins and chat about their Stage Door experience.



1. Congratulations on winning the Stage Door competition! What was the best part about your time on Stage Door?

Winning Stage Door was probably most special to me because I have been in the competition for many years. Each year I have progressed further and this year I achieved my goal!

2. Are you a songwriter? Tell us more about your journey as a songwriter.

I have loved songwriting since I was 7 years old. At that age, I remember writing a song named, “The Earth”. I was so proud of it, and entered the ACMF National Songwriting competition. I have been entering this competition ever since along with the help of my guitar teacher, Andrew Wrigglesworth. Last year, my song “My Way” was shortlisted.

3. What are you goals for the rest of the year?

For the rest of this year, I want to try and get as many of my songs finished and recorded as I can.

For anybody who would be thinking about being a part of the Stage Door comp in the future, what would be your advice?

4. For anybody who would be thinking about being a part of the Stage Door comp in the future, what would be your advice?

If you’re interested in joining Stage Door, the advice I would give is to smile, make eye contact in different spots, and just be yourself. Never try too hard to be someone you’re not!

5. Do you have anything coming up?

I’m lucky enough to have the role of Sherlock Holmes in my school play coming up in term 4! I hope that I can get more auditions in the future to expand my experience and get my acting and singing career started!



1. What was the best part about the StageDoor Competition?

StageDoor provided an amazing opportunity to perform on a national stage. It was great to hear valuable feedback from experienced judges throughout the journey.

2. Are you a songwriter? Tell us about your journey as a songwriter?

Naturally, I am more of a vocalist but have recently started to develop my songwriting skills as well. In fact, one of my StageDoor Grand Final songs was an original. I wrote the lyrics and melody for my song “I’m Free” featuring beats from the producer VSHY.

I have also collaborated with other young singer-songwriters, musicians and vocalists through the NSW Department of Education’s prestigious Talent Development Project. I first entered the program in 2021 and have since developed and centred my music around Pop, EDM and RnB. I am excited to further refine and improve my songwriting skills in these genres and collaborating with others.

3. What are you goals for the rest of the year?

An important goal of mine is to work with the Online Recording Studio producers to mix and master the original that I performed for StageDoor, along with a video to accompany it. Building my social media presence is also a strong goal to promote the release of this song.

I would like to continue performing in competitions throughout the year as well. Recently, I was excited to winthe Sydney Eisteddfod 17 years vocal performance.

4. For anybody who would be thinking about being a part of the Stage Door comp in the future, what would be your advice?

I would advise future competitors to listen very, very closely and take in all the feedback you are given by judges. It is such a valuable process and I improved so much just by applying the critiques I received. It is also important to consider your presentation and how you would like to be perceived by your audience.

5. Do you have anything coming up?

Soon I have the final round audition for the NSW Schools Spectacular this year. Among other competitions, I am excited to compete in the Sydney Eisteddfod Senior Singer of the Year as well. My year will get even busier soon when the Talent Development Project starts again and I can get onto more songwriting!



1. Congratulations on winning the Stage Door competition! What was the best part about your time on Stage Door?

The best part about my time on Stage Door was when we got to watch all the other amazing talent during the online show! It was so great to see all the effort that all the contestants had put in!

2. Are you a songwriter? Tell us more about your journey as a songwriter.

Yes I am a songwriter. I started songwriting in my first year of Uni! I haven’t released anything yet but am planning to sometime this year!!

3. What are you goals for the rest of the year?

I would love to be able to play more gigs, release a debut single, and get more content up on my social media! I would also love to delve more into my artistry—who Katia is and what she represents.

4. For anybody who would be thinking about being a part of the Stage Door comp in the future, what would be your advice?

My advice would definitely be to JUST DO IT! It’s an amazing competition that is so welcoming and friendly. The feedback that they provide is fantastic, and I guarantee you will definitely improve and learn by the time you reach the last stage of the competition!

5. Do you have anything coming up?

I am currently writing a song with a friend I was recommended to! She’s such a talented musician! It’s so great to be able to work with other people as I find that we are able to feed off each other’s ideas, being able to create the end goal! I am hoping to release this song in the near future!




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