If you’re needing a new soft rock/pop song to add to your Spotify playlist, we’ve got a new one for you that you’ll LOVE. Singer-songwriter Mathilde Anne has just released new single, I’ve Had Enough and honestly, it’s hard to get enough of this new tune! 

The Melbourne/Mornington Peninsula based artist has come out with a banger to say the least. Something that’s so current right now in the female music world, is this edgy, grungy, punk sound and the singer songwriter didn’t fall short when it came to delivering something fun and edgy. The new single is something different, yet familiar. The muffled, “phone booth” like vocals at the beginning of the song are the first interesting point of difference to take note of, adding such a unique and fun tonal element to the track. Two years after the release of her first single, Playing Adult, it’s fair to say Mathilde Anne has come back stronger and grittier in the best way possible.

The interesting thing about the new track is the contrast in tonal qualities between the soft, almost child like vocals and the thick, traditional sounding grungy band. Go ahead and take a listen for yourself, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t bop your head at least a few times.

As quoted from Sandhill Management, “Mathilde has amassed fierce inspiration from the likes of modern artists Lorde, Sir Chloe and Arctic Monkeys, as well as all-time legends Amy Whinehouse, Otis Redding, and The Rolling Stones. Growing up in a musical household means her limbs and soul are now deeply rooted in music of all genres and timelines. I've Had Enough (out March 30th) was written by Mathilde in collaboration with Australian songstress MAXON, award-winning audio engineer and artist Nayomi Pattuwage (Like Bear) and Cheryl Beattie (The Music Industry School of Music). The single paints a picture with crooked lines of frustration; smearing red across relationships with the flaky and the non-committal.”

As mentioned in the beginning of this review, it’s an interesting mix of innocent vocals and a soft punk rhythmic section. The melodic component of I’ve Had Enough provides a delicate twist to the song and somehow works really nicely amounts the angst provided by the electric guitar and drums. The rhythmic section needs a shoutout too, it’s so solid and clean and adds such a great nostalgic early 2000’s vibe, who doesn’t love that? The song all in all really is reminiscent of early 2000’s music, when female artists really made their mark on punk music. Between the addition of tasteful backing vocals, melodic guitar lines, driving drums and an amped up band, the song is great.

Make sure to check out the RSOM playlist on Spotify to find Mathilde Anne’s new single, I’ve Had Enough, and be sure to follow the artist on her socials to keep up to date with everything new and upcoming

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