We at The Real Songwriters of Melbourne are proud to be the first to show you the latest single and video clip from Melbourne soul power WOMXN, Miss Emilia.

Her new single, Woman with Needs is a salute to all the womxn in the world who are mothers, daughters, sisters and friends. Inspired by the big jazz queens, Aretha Franklin and Etta James, this single is the latest female power anthem to add to your playlists.

RSOM EXCLUSIVE: Listen to the new single, 'Woman With Needs' from Miss Emilia

"This track is all about woman empowerment, expectations and limitations constantly put onto women, and at the end of the day saying ‘I’m a person of value regardless of my gender or what you expect of me, with dreams and goals that I can - and will - succeed in!’ This song was really an accumulation of things, wanting to go in the direction of supporting positive social movements and writing songs of depth and meaning in my new venture as Miss Emilia. Being a woman ‘boss’ (since I am a manager and curator of many projects) in the music industry, I’ve felt the pushback and expectations of being a bit quieter, less assertive, less ambitous and a pressure to look a certain way to 'get anywhere’ in the industry etc, and this song was a way to say I’m here, this is what I stand for and this is how loud I’ll continue to be in this direction of my music."

Female entrepreneur Miss Emilia is most recognised as Sugar Mama from 90s hip-hop, retro girl group The Mamas. Playing on stages around the country and abroad, her infectious smile and powerful vocals are definitely a true testament to this artist. She is also an artist manager and piano teacher at family music school, Solfege House in which she has independently managed many corporate and original acts.

The video which you can preview below was filmed, curated and produced by the singer in which she portrays a traditional stay-at-home housewife. Lockdown restrictions did not stop this womxn from bringing her idea to life and preaches that you can do anything, as long as you put your mind to it.

"I hope that anyone who listens to this track, or watches the music video feels something towards the end of the song - maybe a little spark inside, and a feeling of empowerment for any women & non binary people to have the strength to be completely themselves and pursue their dreams. There have been many incredible anthems to come out from female musicians in the past, and I hope that this track can be added to those ranks, to hype people up if they need a boost in their day. This song ultimately expresses that your value doesn’t always come down to other people’s ideals of beauty, being someone’s mother or partner or being an ‘object’, your value comes from your personal depth, wisdom and acceptance of self. "

Talking about working in music during isolation, Emilia says although she is not performing, she has allowed this opportunity to learn new skills in camera work, film, graphic design and more.

"I really miss playing with my friends and bandmates, but it’s meant that I’ve had to push myself to learn new skills to still be able to get music out there.

"The largest setback is not being able to collaborate as I usually would, having some back and forth with how my music is arranged and performed, but on the other hand I’m still lucky enough to have my own studio setup and be able to create music and art regardless of if the other people are in the room with me. Music is fundamentally a social activity in all its aspects, so though there have been positive learning curves, it’s still feels strange to do it all alone."

This single is the beginning of more from Miss Emilia as she is very excited to show her fans what else she has cooking up and we absolutely cannot wait.

To close, we leave you with a piece of advice to all the emerging artists in our community.

"The best advice I could give for independent artists is to create and keep creating, embrace mistakes and let yourself grow from your experiences. Be kind and authentic to yourself as a person and as an artist, as what fundamentally makes you, ‘you’, is what people will grow to love and support in your art. If you put in the work, and are kind to yourself and kind to others who come into your life as friends, colleagues and peers, before you know it you’ll have a community you can depend on who will be your cheerleaders along the way!"

Woman With Needs will be available on all streaming platforms on Monday 31 August, but for now, we will just keep playing this on autoloop until then.

Produced, filmed and directed by Miss Emilia.

"I hope that anyone who listens to this track, or watches the music video feels something towards the end of the song - maybe a little spark inside, and a feeling of empowerment for any women & non binary people to have the strength to be completely themselves and pursue their dreams. There have been many incredible anthems to come out from female musicians in the past, and I hope that this track can be added to those ranks, to hype people up if they need a boost in their day. This song ultimately expresses that your value doesn’t always come down to other people’s ideals of beauty, being someone’s mother or partner or being an ‘object’, your value comes from your personal depth, wisdom and acceptance of self. "

Talking about working in music during isolation, Emilia says although she is not performing, she has allowed this opportunity to learn new skills in camera work, film, graphic design and more.

"I really miss playing with my friends and bandmates, but it’s meant that I’ve had to push myself to learn new skills to still be able to get music out there.

"The largest setback is not being able to collaborate as I usually would, having some back and forth with how my music is arranged and performed, but on the other hand I’m still lucky enough to have my own studio setup and be able to create music and art regardless of if the other people are in the room with me. Music is fundamentally a social activity in all its aspects, so though there have been positive learning curves, it’s still feels strange to do it all alone."

This single is the beginning of more from Miss Emilia as she is very excited to show her fans what else she has cooking up and we absolutely cannot wait.

To close, we leave you with a piece of advice to all the emerging artists in our community.

"The best advice I could give for independent artists is to create and keep creating, embrace mistakes and let yourself grow from your experiences. Be kind and authentic to yourself as a person and as an artist, as what fundamentally makes you, ‘you’, is what people will grow to love and support in your art. If you put in the work, and are kind to yourself and kind to others who come into your life as friends, colleagues and peers, before you know it you’ll have a community you can depend on who will be your cheerleaders along the way!"

Woman With Needs will be available on all streaming platforms on Monday 31 August, but for now, we will just keep playing this on autoloop until then.

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