Q&A with Mojo Juju

RSOM is thrilled to have a chat to one of Melbourne's hottest names around town - Mojo Juju. Mojo will be one of many acts performing at this year's The Age Music Victoria Awards After Party this Wednesday 22nd November and we are very privileged to have interviewed her prior to her performance.

J - Are you excited to play at this year’s Age Music Victoria Awards? What should we expect to see on the night?M - "Yeah! I’m super excited. It’s an amazing house band. I’m looking forward to playing latest single with a full band. I haven’t had the chance to do that yet."J - Tell us how Mojo Juju started. Where did the inspiration for the name come from?M - "Well, it’s kind of a chicken or the egg scenario. My full name is Mojo Ruiz de Luzuriaga. Juju or Juje is a nickname I’ve had for a long time, so it kinda made sense."

J - Have you always been a singer growing up? Who are your major inspirations for songwriting?M - "Yeah. I grew up in a very musical household. My grandparents were musicians and my mum too. Everyone is pretty deeply into music. My brother plays drums with me, as you may know. So yeah it’s been a lifelong thing."


"My songwriting inspo comes from everywhere.  I’m big into lyrics so I’ve always been a Tom Waits fan. I’m a huge Frank Ocean fan too. But I’m also all about melodies, grooves and hooks so I think Michael Jackson and Bill Withers are big ones in that respect."

J - How would you describe your sound and the music you create?M - "All OVER THE PLACE! Hahaha. I dunno. I try to avoid describing it cause I feel like that only ever works against me. I hate feeling stuck. I’m not interested in genres, I’m interested in good music. That being said, I definitely lean towards more soulful sounds and music with lots of feel rather than aggressive music, for sure."

J - How long have you been working in the industry? What are some major lessons that you have learnt along the way?M - "I’ve been around a minute haha. Major lessons I’ve learnt include, head down, work hard and don’t expect shit. Be grateful but know your worth. Don’t worry about what’s on trend, just do what is authentic to you. That’s what people respond to most."

J - Tell us about your favourite song that you have ever written? What is it about and why is it your favourite?M - "Hahaha. That’s a hard question. They’re like children; you can’t play faves (but you probably do in secret). Ok, at the moment my favourite song is on my upcoming album. It’s called 1000 Years and it’s about my Great Grandfather on my mum’s side, he was a Wiradjuri man… the rest of the story you will have to wait for."

J - What are you working on at the moment?M - "I just finished recording an album, it should be out early 2018.

But I’m already writing new stuff so… stay tuned!"

RSOM will be live in all the action at this year's The Age Music Victoria Awards 2017 at 170 Russell. There are tickets still available to the After Party where Mojo Juju will perform alongside Gretta Ray, Archie Roach The Teskey Brothers and more. Tickets are available here.

Written by Jena Marino


RECAP: THE 2017 AGE MUSIC VICTORIA AWARDS- 170 Russell, 22/11/17
