SINGLE REVIEW: Views Up [Prod. Rookie Pro] by NYUON

NYUON or N.Y, a Melbourne based rapper, self-produced musician and songwriter has just premiered his new single, Views Up, a song which explores everything from N.Y’s early days discovering and exploring music, to the modern day life of a rap musician and the modern music scene.The piece begins with a seemingly random assortment of instruments, beats and sounds, almost akin to some form of pre performance sound check. It keeps the listener guessing for the first twenty seconds or so, trying to figure out the song. What is the main hook? How is the beat structured? When is N.Y going to come in?

The only answer to all of these questions is given mere seconds before the song lurches into full speed, as four indicative hi-hat splashes set the tempo.

This is an excellent way to introduce a listener to a piece of music for the first time, as this piqued curiosity leads to a genuine and almost rewarding sense of surprise as all of the elements, shown first in relative isolation, come together and drag you head first into the song in a truly immersive and indeed almost aural bombardment of strong driving grooves and airy leading phrases.

Aside from the more urban roots reflected in the main beat and bass lines, Views Up takes on a more modern “lounge/urban” feel with the accompaniment of gliding piano melodies and ambient synthesizer tones filling out the sound and giving a more driven, reverberating feel to the listener’s ears, like sitting back and letting the soothing bass vibrate your ear drums in a comforting way.

As for lyrical content, N.Y's lyrics are first used as a device to describe the change in attitudes of people he was once surrounded with growing up, then reflecting on his current life and aspirations.


Particularly, N.Y uses the old paradigm wherein people seem to want nothing to do with you, but all of a sudden leap onto your success as though it’s something they can lay claim to being a part of, which he describes as

“One time for the girls that didn’t choose us, in High School we were losers, nowadays all they say is that they knew us”

In a prior interview with The Real Songwriters of Melbourne, N.Y describes this inner reflection and storytelling as a means to create an interesting narrative but still keep the desired story relevant and perhaps provide insight for those who listen to his music.“With me, I just get in my zone and get lost in my brain,” he describes.

As the song progresses, N.Y turns to his current life in the music scene, reflecting on what little he had coming up and pursuing music to now where he has achieved broader recognition and “can have nice things”

This song immediately cemented itself to me as a great motivator for people who might feel discouraged when it comes to having or indeed pursuing any form of aspirational goal, although in fairness this can also equally be seen as a song for relaxation, encouraging the listener to feel content in their life and its direction.

With a single this well written produced, it’s if anything a surprise that this up and coming Melbourne artist isn’t more well-known. But only time will tell how well his work will be received.

starstarstarstarhalf star

Rating: 4.5/5A triumphantly feel-good piece of street music, well worth a look.

Written by Kieran Balmeceda

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