The last time we spoke with Abbey Stone, she was just about to leave the country for the States.Now five months later, she is back down under with her latest hit, Brave Heart and with a major announcement to be released exclusively via RSOM.So Jena could not WAIT to catch up with her!In June, Stone returned back to the States. J: Tell us about your time in the States this year. What did you get up to?A: This year was about playing a lot more shows and recording a number of songs in Nashville with producer Mark Moffat. Last year was more about discovering myself a bit more as a writer, which I feel like I did. So this time around, I was recording the songs I wrote last year. It was really cool.J: Did you record or perform anywhere iconic once again in the States?A: I got to play at The Bluebird in Nashville again – twice! I cut three songs on Music Row as well, right near RCA Studio B, which was crazy incredible. I played some really insane underground shows in New York where the crowds were those crazy, creative and wholeheartedly passionate people. I learned a lot about myself as an artist playing those shows – for example, if you’ve got something to say, there will always be someone who has said, or wanted to say, the same thing… felt the same way. It’s uplifting.10622929_803954816291424_26016931366579333_n

On the 14th September, her latest single, Brave Heart was released.

J: Your latest single, Brave Heart is very different to your other tracks in regards to the style of your music. Is this the new Abbey Stone?A: Brave Heart was a song I wrote a while ago and it kind of just sat there amongst other songs I overlooked. I’m really fortunate to know some incredibly talented people and one of those people is my mate Lucian (aka LUCIANBLOMKAMP). I’ve told him this multiple times, but I think he is a musical genius. So I asked him if he would consider producing the song and giving it a bit of life. This dude is ridiculous. I sent him a really rough version of the song and he sent me this bassy, ambient sick tune.I decided to release Brave Heart for free because it is a lot shorter than the rest of my music AND because it is so different. I’m always listening to a lot of different music, there’s a lot of music I listen to that no one would expect, and because of that, I like to experiment with different sounds. I wouldn’t say there is a ‘new’ Abbey Stone because I’m still messing around with different melodies and finding what I like best, but it’s definitely a sound that I enjoy listening to and making, so I guess we will see!

[youtube]Brave Heart Official Video Clip - Abbey Stone

J: So, what is Brave Heart about?A: I was 17 when I wrote the song and I had a fake I.D. I went out to clubs a lot and I used to think I was really cool and invincible. So Brave Heart is about being 17, thinking you can do anything and going into every situation fearlessly. The song says, “tomorrow is distant, the future’s a given, and we’re not afraid.” So whatever we do tonight doesn’t matter because tomorrow is a definite certainty that is so far away, we can chill. It’s about being teenagers really.J: Tell us all about the video and the filming. What was the best part of it all?A: The video was shot over two different Saturdays. Firstly we shot the ‘morning after the party’ scenes, which involved being on set by 5:30am, hair, makeup and outfit ready. It sounds like I had it bad but the crew were there the night before setting everything up and being amazing. We worked until about 9:00 that night and then returned the week after to shoot the ‘party’ scenes.The best part of it all was working with a lot of people! Being a solo artist, I don’t really get the chance to work with a big group like that, so having many people around to have a laugh and be creative with was something I can’t wait to do again. 

And now, a massive exclusive to RSOM!Abbey Stone will be releasing her very first EP!

 J: RSOM is honoured to announce the release of your EP! When will it be released?A: November 5th! It’s a bit of a tradition we have running. Every year on my birthday, we release something and this year, it’s finally an EP. It’s something we have been working on for a while, and are still working on. It’s also something I’m really proud of.J: What is your EP called? Are there any major themes or messages within the EP?A: The EP is called Doorways. When I play live, I play a set within a set. There are three songs that I play in chronological order of events that occurred throughout the year I wrote them in. I refer to this set/these songs as the ‘trilogy’. They are the first three songs on the record and start with a song called Doorways. I feel like this is really fitting because it’s about the beginning of something and the opening of the first ‘doorway’.J: Are you doing any live performances soon? If so, when and where?A: I’m performing at Les Twentyman’s 20th Man Fund Annual Gala on October 24th and I’m playing at the Bikes 4 Life’s ‘Live at the Trak’ event on the 8th November.We once again thank Abbey for featuring on the blog and wish her every success for the forthcoming release of her EP, Doorways.You can check her out here:10387337_773438076009765_5917027656515125453_nWebsite | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Triple J UnEarthed | iTunes Check out the last post of Abbey Stone who was our very first guest on RSOM.


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