“My absolute favourite description of my music will always be, ‘Neo-Romantic, Post-Industrial Stalker Rock” This is the latest from 24-year old Elodie Adams.

inSUBORDINATE, her debut EP, features her hit single, Born to Love You which is the theme song for upcoming Playstation game, Oddworld. With all the lyrics, vocals, rhythm, synth, loops and sound design written by the artist herself as well as co-producing the EP, this is indeed a celebration of hard work.

We are firstly introduced to, Born to Love You, her current single. Sexy and mystery plays a huge part as she opens us up into another world using her vocals to create character within the track. The violin solo, performed by Adams herself, highlights her love for the violin and her major role towards the production of the EP.

The sexiness and mystery continues as the next track, Stockholm Syndrome plays. This song talks about female dominance and displays a lot of attitude. The drums, guitars and powerful vocals may remind you of band, Evanescence, who uses these elements to create darkness and feminism within the track.

It is said that the third track, Multiplayer, has a double meaning as the sound effects of the game highlight that the song could be about games yet Adams’s character in her vocals and lyrics could be interpreted as flirty. For example: “I play on expert baby. We can make it baby.” It’s here where I highly commend her originality and lyrics and it is a song where music does speak.

Fourth track, More Than You, is where the tone changes as we explore her emotional side lyrically yet keeping the grunge and mystery alive. Finally, we are left with an instrumental finish as inSUBORDINATE plays to conclude the EP. The track is completely instrumental which highly demonstrates the power that music can have on the audience as opposed to just vocals. The violin solo, again by Adams, is dramatic and sets the scene, the mystery and the power it creates.The track also includes the Oddworld remix of Born to Love You.

This EP is a great example of the amount of work that she and her team have to undertake in order to produce the final product. A big congrats to the Elodie and the team, it has definitely paid off

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3/5 stars


