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Here’s how you can be involved…
Meet us in the Bandroom at 6:30pm!
Photo by Mouk. Media
Come and join the RSOM Community!
Held every first Wednesday of the month, our Open Mics have welcomed hundreds of songwriters to the RSOM Community as they share their originals on the Bergy Bandroom stage.
Here’s how you can be involved…
1. Become a member and receive a guaranteed spot **
2. Subscribe to our mailing list and pre-book a spot!
Miss out on a pre-booked slot?
That’s ok! Walk-in slots are available and are first in, first served.
Meet us in the Bandroom at 6:30pm!
Spots are first in, first served.
FREE ENTRY from 7pm with $9 lager and cider on the tap.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Bergy!